About the FindHelp.Online project
FindHelp.Online charity ground is a volunteers initiative which was created in order to implement various charity programs under the auspices of Dr. h.c. Haim Bilga.
We provide targeted social care through donations from individuals and organizations.
Now everyone who wants may quickly and with little effort contribute to the existence and development of projects which desperately cry for it. Projects which cover the needs of kids, senior citizens, people with disabilities and civic initiatives.
The orphans, disabled, homeless, dependents, victims of abuses, people of venerable age, former underage prisoners of ghettos and Nazi concentration camps... May you just pass by?
We consider that being sympathetic and aspirating to do good is one's civic duty! That is why our project seeks to provide the most convenient conditions for helping everyone, who crave for it.
Every concerned person, every contribution, every ward of ours, who has received help, charges us with energy to move forward. Everything starts with good intention!
Our principles

Help to everyone

We help any project verified by us and provide its development and maintenance


In order to ensure security and to prevent unauthorized access to beneficiary lists from individuals with bad intentions, in public access there are only the name, age, data on social status of a ward and his/her characteristics. Security and anonymity of a benefactor are one of our priorities as well.


Every individual or organization that made a donation may be free to contact our members and receive a detailed report on funds invested.


Our members and partners are responsible people notable for their high moral qualities. In their activity they are guided by principles of the law and humanism and zealously follow the human rights.
If you want to receive information on our new projects and reports on the current please fill out the form below LEAVE MESSAGE with the following text: "I, (your first and last name), am subscribing for the news". Type your e-mail and press SEND.


FindHelp.Online charity ground is a volunteers initiative which was created in order to implement various charity programs under the auspices of Dr. h.c. Haim Bilga.


ARIE – Fund for Jewish Identity e.V. Hansastr. 109, 81373 München Telefon: +4915736311772
Bankkonto: IBAN: DE77700222000020251778  BIC: FDDODEMMXXX Fidor Bank

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