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<span style="font-weight: bold;">"No-one is forgotten"</span>
"No-one is forgotten"

— provides targeted social care for former underage prisoners of ghettos and Nazi concentration camps who live on the post-Soviet territories by granting personal certifications for purchasing a wide range of good quality and fresh products people of age need for a healthy diet. Also, in line with the program humanitarian transport with food, goods, sanitary products and medical inventory.

<span style="font-weight: bold;">"Way to school"</span>
"Way to school"

— provides help to kids from troubled and vulnerable social groups and kids having disabilities by granting certificates for purchasing office goods and necessary things which a kid needs for creation and studies at home and at school. Also, through the intermediary of the HUMEDICA humanitarian organization working in disaster areas, sends a few trucks from Germany to the former Soviet countries with gifts for such categories of kids.

<span style="font-weight: bold;">"Paralympic festival"</span>
"Paralympic festival"

— gives opportunities to people with disabilities to become athletes of annual international contests "TAUR de AUR". This is a few days which wheelchair users from all the post-Soviet territory as well as from several Western European countries spend in sunny Moldova through invitation from INVA-PROFIL sport club.

<span style="font-weight: bold;">"Generational connection"</span>
"Generational connection"

— gives opportunities to kids of 5-7 years old to craft and draw paintings together with former underage prisoners of ghettos and Nazi concentration camps who survived the times of national socialism. This unique program is carried out in the basis of the Munich public benefit alliance ARIE under the guidance of skilled psychologists and schoolmasters. Goal: to help little kids to understand why it is so important to respect the people around them; gain first skills of tolerance, therefore to prevent bullying (mobbing); to develope their abilities; and install mercy and skills of co-operation. With that some of them will be able to overcome their psychological imbalance: people of the older generation – imbalance due to loneliness and war-time childhood, little kids – due to growing in bad social conditions.

<span style="font-weight: bold;">"Center of tolerance"</span>
"Center of tolerance"

— gives an opportunity to save memory about German and Romanian Nazis in Moldova. The Center of Tolerance and Social Justice is a necessary thing for the North of Moldova and Transnistria. Regardless of ethnic background, beliefs, mental or physical disorders – everyone was born to live!

<span style="font-weight: bold;">"Our life"</span>
"Our life"

— Is a civic initiative of movements and public associations (for example: ARIE, VOX SCAENICA and others) on reemergence of the German Union of Russian-speaking Jewry (Verband russischer Juden). After the invitation by the government and in line with the program of the population of the Jewish Community to the number of the pre national socialist era (approx. 600 thousand) over 250 thousand people from all of the post soviet countries already came to Germany as contingent refugees. The German Union of Russian-speaking Jewry (Verband russischer Juden) endured from 1920 to 1935 (was closed by the Gestapo) and was a member of the League of Nations. The Union helped Jewish refugees and members of their families: adaptation, help in difficult real-life situations, arrangement of soup kitchens, protection of rights and in the Nazi times the help in escaping to safe places. To help to the Union reemergence the “Our Life” informational page in the Munich-City Magazine is published.


FindHelp.Online charity ground is a volunteers initiative which was created in order to implement various charity programs under the auspices of Dr. h.c. Haim Bilga.


ARIE – Fund for Jewish Identity e.V. Hansastr. 109, 81373 München Telefon: +4915736311772
Bankkonto: IBAN: DE77700222000020251778  BIC: FDDODEMMXXX Fidor Bank

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